Powerful Cleaners for Industrial Cleaning Excellence

JTD Chemical’s all-purpose cleaners are specially formulated to handle a wide range of industrial cleaning tasks. From floor cleaning to equipment degreasing, these versatile solutions are designed to tackle heavy soils, oils, and grime with ease. Whether you need a mild cleaner for routine maintenance or a more powerful automotive cleaning chemicals for tough industrial applications, we have the perfect product for your needs.

A person is cleaning the floor with a machine.
Green outlined hexagon shape.

All-Purpose Cleaners for Your Cleaning Needs

150 Industrial General Cleaner / Non-Butyl

A non-solvent, all-purpose cleaner that utilizes buffered alkaline builders and a nonionic detergent system, perfect for heavy-duty cleaning. Economical and effective, this cleaner works for a variety of tasks, including floor cleaning and equipment degreasing.

396 Facility Housekeeping AP Cleaner/Butyl

A phosphate alkaline builder-based cleaner ideal for cleaning grease, oils, and general shop soils. Safe for use on glass and painted surfaces, making it versatile for a variety of industrial environments.

865 Industrial General Cleaner/Butyl

A mild alkaline cleaner combined with solvent action and a blend of detergents, offering an economical solution for manual cleaning applications. It’s effective and easy to use for many general-purpose cleaning tasks.

069 Industrial Specialty

This multipurpose cleaner features D'Limonene solvent, which is completely water-soluble, offering environmental and personnel safety along with exceptional cleaning and degreasing power. Suitable for wipe-on, immersion, or spray applications.

853(C) Industrial General Cleaner/Butyl

A citrus-scented detergent for hard surface cleaning. Economical, pleasant to use, and effective on walls, floors, and equipment. Also, available without dye and citrus odor upon request.

More Than Just Cleaners

These are just a few of the all-purpose cleaning solutions we offer. We also provide custom formulations tailored to your specific cleaning requirements, ensuring you always have the right corrosion protection solutions for the job. Let us know your needs, and we'll create the perfect solution for you!